We are our master bakers, who love putting all that we have into producing quality products for you to make yourself.

We start our story with pancakes and our desire to make fresh pancakes at home as quick and easy as possible. Our mixes only need water and if you have a pancake shaker, you can have a batter ready to go within seconds. The mixes are in small packs, each serving 6 pancakes per mix, making it easier to store, make and portion.

But pancakes isn’t just about making a good pancake or crepe… its also about the toppings and having access to great toppings when you want them. How often do you finish a large bottle of caramel sauce or dessert sauce? How often do you open these sauces and then they take up space in the fridge?

Our philosophy is to go big on the small things! Our pancake hamper meal kits have portions of sauces and toppings for you to use, freeing up the fridge as you can keep in the cupboard until you need them.

Enjoy your pancake feast!

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